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Mini-Vacation Terms And Conditions



WARNING: You Must Click The Reading Audio Link Above And LISTEN
To This ENTIRE Page BEFORE You WATCH Your FIRST Explainer Video...


You must understand our Travel Money Team Sales and Income Building Organization is going into PRE-Launch 100% Online after starting on February 1, 2025 and going all the way throughout the ENTIRE first full year until February 1, 2026!


Our #1 MAIN GOAL is to secure as many brand-NEW Traveling Customers as well as as many brand-NEW Travel Business OWNERS as we possibly can during this entire first 12 Months Long PRE-Launch period of time!


That's WHY we are sparing NO EXPENSE to get those who choose to join our prospective Travel Business Owner's Email Follow Up List to at least take a SERIOUS LOOK AT exactly what all we are already SUCCESSFULLY DOING over here at Travel Money Team!


That's also WHY over the next 10 Days just as long as you choose to remain on our Email Follow Up List for the entire time and you WATCH all 10 Explainer Videos you will have been thoroughly introduced to EXACTLY what this Travel Money Team INCOME Building System is 100% ALL REALLY ABOUT!


In that way, you just might decide to JOIN FORCES WITH US as we persistently and consistently keep on BUILDING UP every Travel Business Owner's very own Sales Team Organization and as a direct result GROWING UP all of their very own Travel Business Incomes right along beside our very own Travel Business Income GROWTH all at the very same time!


As you are PROGRESSING all the way through all 10 Due Diligence Information Explainer Videos over the next 10 Days you will be introduced to the 2 different Company Founders who are FINANCIALLY backing Us Up!


You will also be introduced to their 8 Different Travel Business Owner Income Streams Compensation Plan and also learn exactly HOW through our entire System we will help you keep on steadily Income PROGRESSING over an extended period of time!


In other words, PROGRESSING UP from you having ZERO Travel Business Income coming from you NOT having any Personal Traveling Customer Bookings along with you having ZERO Travel Business Income coming from you NOT having any Directly Referred Travel Business OWNERS on your very FIRST enrollment Day-1!


Those 10 Explainer Videos will plainly SHOW YOU exactly how from your Starting Point on Day-1 you will keep on Income PROGRESSING UP and UP until you can easily start SEEING YOUR OWN SELF having a well over 29,523 Sales Organization FULL of totally independent Travel Business OWNERS who will have all more than HAPPILY placed themselves somewhere DOWN UNDER YOU!


Each one of those individuals will be 100% ACTIVELY promoting their very own Travel Business MONTHLY!


Therefore, since exclusively through our System YOU will have been a VITAL PART of getting them ALL Started in their very own Travel Business each one of them will automatically KEEP PAYING YOU at the MINIMUM $4.00 MONTHLY which adds up to them progressively over time paying you up to $118,092.00 at the MINIMUM Monthly!


And YOUR MONTHLY PAY will continue for as long as THEY ALL keep on GETTING PAID similarly from them all having been a VITAL PART of helping all of their own mostly the exact same 29,523 Sales Organization FULL of totally independent Travel Business OWNERS get Started in their very own Travel Business!


That measly MINIMUM $4.00 MONTHLY PAY OUT will be just ONE of the Compensation Plan's 8 different INCOME STREAMS that you will keep on GETTING PAID as a key part your very own both multiple times WEEKLY PAID income and also your very own multiple times MONTHLY PAID income!


The flat-out eventually LARGEST of your 8 total multiple INCOME STREAMS that you will keep collecting by Direct Deposit starts out as your very own $1,000.00 MINIMUM Amount Monthly.


And then, it AUTOMATIALLY keeps on GROWING UP from there over an extended period of YOU remaining 100% ACTIVE in your very own Travel Business PROMOTION time!


Here again, you will LEARN all there is to know about how each one of the 8 totally different INCOME STREAMS WORKS within your 10 Explainer Videos so we will NOT go over all of that RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!


However, the ONE THING that those 10 Explainer Videos absolutely DO NOT COVER is exactly HOW YOU will be able to use these 12 different Monthly 3 Days 2 Nights Complimentary Hotel Accommodations as GIVE-A-WAYS along with their 12 different Complimentary Round-Trip Airfares for 2 as GIVE-A-WAYS will actually be HELPING YOU LAUNCH your very own personal Travel Business OWNER Income UP towards your very own HIGHEST Pay Grades Month after Month all the way up until February 1, 2026 and beyond!


So, From Here We GROW:


The #1 REAL reason WHY we are GIVING AWAY these 12 Mini-Vacations along with Round-Trip Airfares for 2 is in our efforts to help ALL of OUR current and future Travel Business OWNERS far more easily and also far more Systematically be able to INTRODUCE the General Public to Vacation Traveling as another mostly Hidden SOURCE for them to get Started collecting for themselves both some more steady coming in WEEKLY Pay and also some more steady coming in MONTHLY Pay!


Steady Income that can easily be COLLECTED by those who are our Fellow Average and Everyday Americans!


We can easily GIVE AWAY these Mini-Vacations even with Round-Trip Airfares for 2 included simply because we have CONTRACTED with a MAJOR Travel Industry Consolidation Supplier who will allow our Sales Team to use these Complimentary Mini-Vacations along with Complimentary Airfares as GIVE-A-WAYS in either one of these two ways:


1.  Exclusively be given to those who WIN one of them through an absolutely NO-COST Complimentary DRAWING in our efforts to PROMOTE Traveling Customer Booking Fees Sales Commissions all throughout OUR entire Travel Money Team!


2.  They can only receive one of them as a Complimentary GIFT in exchange for them having already made a DECISION to purchase a Good or a Service exclusively from someone who were already somewhere on OUR entire Travel Money Sales Team!


FIRST: That's exactly HOW and also exactly WHY we are able to GIVE THEM AWAY exclusively within our very own efforts to INTRODUCE more and more POTENTIAL Traveling Customers to Booking their ALL Things Travel and Tourism Related needs exclusively through someone who are already on OUR entire Travel Money Sales Team!


And SECONDLY: That's exactly HOW, and also exactly WHY, we are able to GIVE THEM AWAY exclusively within our very own efforts to INTRODUCE more and more POTENTIAL Travel Business OWNERS to what we are already SUCCESSFULLY doing to give them an OPPORTUNITY to JOIN FORCES with US within the Travel Industry!


You MUST UNDERSTAND we are just getting started generating GOOD Travel Booking Sales Revenue for a lot of Industry Players who are already within the $10 TRILLION-Dollars ANNUAL Worldwide Travel Industry!


Using DISCOUNTS, INCENTIVES, and even GIVE-A-WAYS in order to generate future SALES REVENUE within Travel Industry is exactly what MAKES the entire Travel Industry REALLY WORK SO PERFECTLY!


As an example, have you ever known of anyone who got totally FREE FIRST-CLASS FLIGHTS FOR LIFE simply because either THEY or a close Family Member WORKS for or they RETIRED from that very same Airline?

When the Guy to the right of them may very well be paying THOUSANDS of DOLLARS for their very same FIRST-CLASS SEAT right NEXT to them!

When in fact the only reason that Family Member were in that very same FIRST-CLASS SEAT right next to a HIGH DOLLAR PAYING Traveler without them paying EVEN ONE DIME was because that very same seat would have otherwise been TOTALLY EMPTY when the plane took off.


NOW don't you get it?


What if that individual with the FREE FIRST-CLASS FLIGHT was the OWNER of a Travel Agency instead of just being a Relative of an Airline Employee?


Wouldn't that Travel BUSINESS OWNER over their lifetime generate far more Travel Booking Revenue for the entire Travel Industry?


Similarly, these will otherwise be Empty Airline Seats or otherwise Empty Hotel Rooms anyway!


One of the Admins here on Travel Money Team likes to tell the story about when he first started traveling by Air way back in the early 1980's there was a Consolidator who actually ADVERTISED in the Classified Section of USA Today


He could nearly always purchase Round-Trip Airline Tickets for $250.00 that would allow him to fly anywhere within the Continental US for just that one FLAT-FEE.


However, the catch was he could only pick his flight days to Travel the departing Airports along with his Destination EITHER WAY


They would only give him the actual Airline along with his actual Flight Number at some time during that same flight day EACH WAY with him always being able to Purchase a Ticket and be able to fly at that FLAT-RATE price even the very next day!


It was just like he had some sort of Airline CHEAT CODE even though it always 100% WORKED for Years and Years!


NOW, I'm sure you GET IT, right?


Basically, Travel Industry Consolidators use those Travel Industry Incentives to facilitate the connection in between all parties involved in such a way for them ALL to help MAXIMIZE future Travel Industry Revenue GROWTH within Travel Sales Organizations, within Airlines, and also, within Hotel Chains


It's like they all are scratching each other back, with them all GETTING PAID HANDSOMELY solely because of it!


There is a whole lot more that goes into it but it's sufficient to say IT'S WORKING!


Financial EXPERTS on Wall Street are already predicting that the current nearly $10 Trillion-Dollars YEARLY SALES Revenue Worldwide Travel Industry is expected to GROW to $15 TRILLION-Dollars Annually within just the next 5 YEARS!


With a KEY PART of that much dynamic GROWTH being people who got INTRODUCED to Traveling only to end up getting HOOKED on Traveling by them receiving some form of Complimentary Travel Incentive or THEM receiving a GIFT Of Travel AFTER they made a purchase from some SALES GROWTH Driven Organization!


Here's Exactly How We Are

Already DOING IT:


Once you will have been thoroughly INTRODUCED to exactly what Travel Money Team is 100% all about over the next 10 Days of you reviewing our entire System through those 10 Travel Business OWNER Explainer Videos at end of it we will ASK YOU to JOIN FORCES with Us!


However, you will absolutely NEVER be under ANY OBLIGATION to become one of our Sales Team's Traveling Customers or become one of our Sales Team's Travel Business OWNERS as a requirement for you to keep on being subject to WINNING one of our 12 different monthly Mini-Vacations with Airfares for 2 GIVE-A-WAYS per our CONTRACT we have with the Travel Industry Consolidation Supplier!


However, as was already stated in the SECOND Part of our CONTRACT with the Supplier should YOU decide to become one of our UNLIMITED number of Travel Business Owners within the next 12 months you will ABSOLUTELY be 100% GUARANTEED to be GIFTED one of our UNLIMITED number of Mini-Vacations with Airfares for 2 that we can GIVE AWAY to everyone and anyone as an incentive for them having already decided to PURCHASE a Good or a Service that we are SELLING!


That way, as a brand-NEW Travel Business OWNER when you go on your very own Complimentary 3 Days 2 Nights Hotel Stay with Complimentary Airfare for 2 Mini-Vacation you can HONESTLY SAY to EVERYONE within your entire Family you can HONESTLY SAY to EVERYONE at Work you can HONESTLY SAY to EVERYONE on your Social Media and you can HONESTLY SAY to EVERYONE ELSE that you already know that you are GOING ON and/or you just came back from an expenses paid Business TRIP as a direct result of you starting  your very own brand-NEW Travel Business!




In other words, what BETTER WAY for you to LAUNCH your very own brand-NEW Travel Business then for you to be able to HONESTLY let EVERYONE YOU ALREADY KNOW that it was your brand-NEW Travel BUSINESS that enabled you to go on your Business Trip with all of it having already been "Gifted To You" long in ADVANCE!


Isn't that always the BURNING QUESTION everyone has in mind whenever they SEE a Neighbor whenever they SEE a Relative whenever they SEE a Co-Worker or whenever they SEE Anyone Else who they personally know and who they FEEL are in their EXACT SAME dire financial situation, mostly because of Barely Increasing WAGES Past Due BILLS along with so much Never Ending DEBT!


Yet, they seem to always have EXTRA MONEY for them to go to the Mountains they seem to always have EXTRA MONEY for them to go to the Beach they seem to always have EXTRA MONEY for them to go on CRUISES they seem to always have EXTRA MONEY for them to go to MEXICO or even they seem to always have EXTRA MONEY for them to go to a nearby Major City to stay in a Hotel Room over a 3-Day Holiday Weekend and such!


That's exactly HOW we can use that very same dynamic of PEOPLE always just wanting to KNOW HOW you got the EXTRA MONEY for you "PAY FOR" 2 nights Hotel Stay in some far-away City and State, where you even had to PURCHASE 2 Round-Trip Airline Tickets!


How to Deal With Nosy Neighbors


In that "NOSEY NEIGHBOR WAY" of everyone always wanting to be in YOUR BUSINESS, it becomes just a simply a matter of you putting the WORD OUT IN ADVANCE about your upcoming brand-NEW Travel BUSINESS paid for Trip to XYC City!


Then, just let WORD OF MOUTH ADVERTISING do what only IT can DO BEST!


That way, nearly 100% of what you want everyone to KNOW about you Starting Up your very own brand-NEW TRAVEL Business will get spread all around among those who are already within your Circle Of Influence as if its 100% being spread on AUTOPILOT.

And ALL without YOU hardly even having to SAY no more than JUST A FEW WORDS to just a FEW PEOPLE about it!

And perhaps, for you to LIGHT THE FIRE within ALL of their mind's-eye for them WANTING to know HOW YOU ARE DOING IT just post a few times on your Social Media that you are now PLANNING to FLY to XYX City on XYX Date as your very first Travel BUSINESS Trip!



Then, make no more than 5 FOLLOW UP posts on your Social Media about what you are currently READING and also what you are currently LEARNING all about your brand-NEW up-coming BUSINESS Trip along with you adding to your postings these types of images even while you are spreading your postings out over a period of a few MONTHS right before your planned Travel date!


Just THINK about how many people who are already within your entire Circle Of Influence there are who already have a PERSONAL Travel Agent for their ALL Things Travel and Tourism Related Bookings?


Absolutely NO ONE you know are hardly even TRAVELING REGULARLY let along them TRAVELING so much they MUST already have a PERSONAL Travel Agent!


Are you just beginning to SEE more and more why these Travel Consolidators are so vitally NEEDED within the Travel Industry?  By means of what they DO they help to INTRODUCE the majority of NON-business people to the World Of Travel!


Then, while you are on your first Travel BUSINESS Trip be sure to take LOTS and LOTS of Photos of you 2 enjoying your Trip while you are out and about along with you also taking LOTS and LOTS of VIDEOS of you 2 thoroughly enjoying yourselves all so that when you can come back home you can POST them on your Social Media!


Doing just that alone will help to SOLIDIFY the fact that you are NOW actually in the Worldwide TRAVEL BUSINESS with you seemingly being able to easily afford to go on MORE and MORE of those very same kinds of BUSINESS Travel Adventures on a regular basis!


More importantly that exact same PROCESS will help to ESTABLISH YOU as the #1 GO TO Travel Agent there is within your entire Circle of Influence!


All so that, as you are posting MORE and MORE about your Travel BUSINESS Offerings people will already be looking at YOU as a Travel Industry PROFESSIONAL who are seemingly always traveling to LEARN MORE and MORE about how to do YOUR JOB as in you being able to help other people more easily afford to GO TRAVELING in a similar way!




After you follow all of the Start Up Steps to get yourself Enrolled as a FULL-SERVICE Travel Business OWNER who are somewhere on our Global Sales Team we will only then get you setup with a CARBON COPY of our ENTIRE Traveling Customer Booking Sales Builder along with our ENTIRE Level-1 Direct Referrals Recruiting System for you to PROMOTE THEM BOTH among your very own personal CONTACTS!


In addition, we will have already ADDED YOUR Travel Business Referral Links into our PRE-Paid Advertising Referrals Rotator Distribution System as your very own BACK-UP GUARANTEED Level-1 Direct Referrals Recruiting Plan-B!


Just by you having ACCESS to our Level-1 Direct Referral Recruiting Distribution System even though it's on a FIRST Come FIRST Served basis it alone will nearly 100% GUARANTEE that you will indeed have your very own eventual Travel Business INCOME Building SUCCESS!


And the VERY BEST PART OF IT ALL that is NOT detailed in the 10 Explainer Videos after YOU become a FULL-SERVICE Travel Business OWNER on our Sales Team up until February 1, 2026 YOU will ALSO be able to OFFER a Complimentary Mini-Vacation to those who decide also join themselves on our Email Follow Up List exclusively by them going through your very own CARBON COPY of our Main RECRUITING Website Link that will look just like this:






That way, when you CHOOSE to get a shortened version of it for you to post on your Social Media and there are those CLICK ON IT for them add themselves onto our Email Follow Up List as their first Mini-vacation Drawing Qualification they will AUTOMATICALLY get started receiving YOUR personalized 10 Explainer Videos as each one of them being one of your very own Email Follow Ups as in them exclusively being among your very own Travel Business LEADS!


YOU will also be Emailed a copy of their Submitted Contact Details for you to be the only one who will be FOLLOWING UP with them mostly to introduce YOURSELF!


That way, should they DECIDE to become just another regular Traveling Customer or should they DECIDE to become an FULL-SERVICE independent Travel BUSINESS Owner most certainly they will be going DIRECTLY into your very own Travel Business Sales Revenue Organization!


Ultimately, you will also be able to PROMOTE up to all 12 Monthly Complimentary Mini-Vacation DRAWINGS among your very own Contacts and also on your very own Social Media pages!


Which will eventually get some of them to end up being RIGHT HERE on this very same page just like you are RIGHT NOW while they are already SEEING THEMSELVES as AUTOMATICALLY becoming either one of your very own Traveling Customer Direct Referrals or even SEEING THEMSELVES as AUTOMATICALLY becoming one of your very own Level-1 Directly Referred Travel Business OWNERS!


All so that THEY TOO can have UNLIMITED INCOME ACCESS to our entire Travel Money Team Sales and Income Building System all while they will have happily PLACED THEMSELVES somewhere DOWN UNDER YOU!


At this very beginning POINT you may not already FULLY UNDERSTAND just how POWERFUL of an Income Builder that very Last Statement is in terms of EXACTLY HOW the results of it will lead you to having a VIRTUALLY UNLIMITED INCOME through the Compensation Plan's 8 DIFFERENT INCOME STREAMS!


However, THAT FULL INCOME PART will indeed be covered in nearly 100% details within those 10 Explainer Videos!


In Conclusion:


Just be sure to ADD our Contact Email Address on to your SAFE EMAIL ADDRESS Contact List/Email Address Book!



All so that you DO NOT MISS even one of the 10 Explainer Videos for you to BECOME FULLY QUALIFY just one time for your Contact Details to get added in up to all 12 Monthly DRAWINGS even if you are absolutely NOT AT ALL INTERESTED IN ANYTHING ELSE we have to offer!


IF, by change you don't see any more of our Emails within 24 hours or you find any of them in your SPAM/TRASH Folder mark them all as NOT SPAM and then be sure to MOVED THEM OVER into your Email Inbox so they will land there IMMEDIATELY as they are coming in over the next 10 Days!


If you have any Questions you have any Concerns or you have any Comments be sure to Contact Us which our Contact details are almost EVERYWHERE within the pages of our ENTIRE System!


Best Regards, 





P.S.  Should you ever feel the NEED to Contact Us please FIRST send an Email or Text so that we can typically respond to you 24/7/365!


Or, you can Contact Briana our Executive AI Assistant above in order for ALL OF US to avoid playing the typical TELEPHONE TAG Game should you feel the NEED to speak directly with someone VOICE to VOICE!  

We require you to FIRST pick a specific Date and Time for a Telephone Call-Back Appointment through Briana a definite time that's available on YOUR/OUR Calendar Schedules for you to receive a return Telephone Call.


Also, NEVER mention the words FREE Vacation together in any of your PUBLIC PROMOTIONS even though we have that stand alone FREE WORD in the above image for non-general public VISUAL EFFECTS ONLY


Remember, all 12 Mini-Vacation DRAWING WINNERS along with all of our Travel Business OWNERS who receive their Mini-Vacations as GIFTS must pay for their very own TAXES and FEES!


Now Go!  CHECK Your Registered EMAIL Inbox And Keep On CHECKING IT At Least Once Within 24-Hours Everyday For The Next 10 Days...


Either Way You Decide...


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