Our FULL Income Disclaimer Statement Click here to listen to it. This Travel Money Team System ("TMTS") offers everyone an exciting opportunity for them to get both sales and marketing professionals exclusively working for them who will be offering PAID ADVERTISING support leading them to their very own individual Traveling Customer base gathering support as well as Travel Sales Team building support. It's all designed to reward everyone for them first trusting us by joining with us in our chosen 2 direct selling Companies as well as trusting us by them making a monthly contribution commitment to consistently keep on doing each individual's own part needed to help them fund our PAID ADVERTISING Team's efforts to build a 9 Level Global Matrix income exclusively for those who remain actively involved over an extended period of their very same always passing time IN LIFE! Our primary goal is to have every participant growing their very own 9 Level Matrix income at nearly the same pace and up into similar progressively HIGHER and HIGHER income levels. Although this entire business opportunity is based on a simple Sales Team Compensation model individual income building results will absolutely vary all depending on each person's TIME COMMITMENT to their very own success that's in addition to the Sales Team Building support they will be getting from the TMTS. Since TMTS has just officially launched early in 2025 it lacks enough sophisticated data with a goal to provide everyone a trustworthy 100% accurate PAID ADVERTISING Sales Team built Full Annual Income Disclosure Statement here. However, the average Income Disclosures you will see reflected in our 2 representing Company's most recent Annual Full Income Disclosure Statement gives everyone a far more accurate indication of what they can expect to earn on the AVERAGE without them receiving any help at all from TMTS by them working what is the Company AVERAGE of just 2 hours per week or around 100 hours per year in their very own personal Traveling Customer base booking sales along with their very own Sales Team income building efforts! So, in exchange for a major working time commitment whatever that measly EXTRA monthly financial commitment have you earning at the end of the first year as a direct result of TMTS and its above and beyond those AVERAGE FIRST FULL YEAR Direct Selling Industry figures that extra payment alone will absolutely have you WINNING, am I right? As a side note based on decades of Direct Selling Industry data which is also right in-line with our 2 representing Company's most recent first year in business Annual Full Income Disclosure Statement the AVERAGE annual gross income for ALL direct selling Representatives Worldwide has always consistently been anywhere between $300.00 and $1,800.00 dollars! Again, that's over the entire FIRST FULL YEAR of their brand newest Representatives very own mostly spare working time to their absolutely NO WORKING TIME at all business. There will certainly be a lot of participants who will earn ZERO in exchange for them putting out very little to ZERO efforts while there will also always be other RARE FEW individuals who will earn much, much more in exchange for them putting out FULL TIME efforts weekly all year long. Either way, we’re really excited about seeing just how well TMTS will end up INCREASING those first year average income numbers for everyone who will have remained 100% active on OUR Sales Team over their entire first full year! Additionally, any TMTS income projections you see anywhere online, offline, or in person should not be considered as a GUARANTEE over any specific period of Subscriptions activation time or time while you are in business as it being either your gross income or your net profits! If any amount of first year TMTS based income projections were presented to you by anyone as your prospective GUARANTEED income prior to your enrollment under them and such first-year income projections were not anywhere close to the first-year income projections as PLAINLY STATED in our 2 representing Company's most recent FULL Annual Income Disclosure Statement, please report that individual to us, ASAP! As you should already know success with all business ventures and particularly without support from TMTS is based on either one putting in a lot of hard Word Of Mouth advertising work over the short term or a consistent PAID ADVERTISING EFFORT over a relatively long-term period of time and even still all personal income building results will absolutely vary! Our #1 goal is to get everyone who subscribed to our TMTS around about the very same time and then they remain 100% active with all 4 Subscriptions into MONTHLY PROFITS all around the very same time! That way, starting all around that very same time it will be absolutely impossible beyond DEATH for any of them all to simply DROP OUT! Afterwards, it will become just a matter of passing PAID SALES TEAM ADVERTISING time before every single one of them are first at a pretty good part-time yearly income level, ALL TOGETHER! On up to the average full-time yearly income level, ALL TOGETHER! Then, on up into the six-figures yearly income range, again ALL TOGETHER! And finally, upper six-figures income yearly and even far, far, beyond! For any questions about this FULL INCOME DISCLAIMER STATEMENT or about anything else just direct your inquiries to: support@travelmoneyteam.com |